Thursday, December 31, 2009

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

New Year Tweaking

A New Year's resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other. ~Author Unknown

I don't usually make resolutions except one's as a kind of a joke. For instance, two years ago I made a resolution to never run out of French Vanilla creamer the whole year. Funny I actually kept this one.

This year I am going to make one because we are moving in June and I need to start clearing out some of my stuff. By stuff I mean books. Of course I wouldn't think of donating a book I haven't already read so I have decided to try to make a dent in my to be read pile. We are talking about 200 books here. Okay more like a library, not a pile. So my resolution is going to be not to buy any books or magazines for the year 2010. Sorry Amazon. This does not exempt me from borrowing books, or reading magazines at the library. This resolution is going to be one hard one to try to keep because I seriously believe the hunt is almost as much fun as the score in the book buying department for me. My daughter suggests that in the event of a total meltdown I could purchase a Kindle book, which isn't really a book, but we all know that's kind of stretch. Anyway wish me luck. What is everyone else going to give up for the new year?

Monday, December 28, 2009

Take One

Right now I am reading the book Take One by Karen Kingsbury. I an totally enjoying it. I haven't had a lot of reading time, but when I do get a little I grab this book and fit a little reading in. I am also including the video clip for this book in case you want to watch it. This is a really good book for all you Christian book readers out there.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Coffee anyone!

My dear hubby fell in love with this thing at the car dealership. I'm not sure how much coffee he actually drank, but I'm sure it was a lot. He raved about this thing all the way home. Does anyone actually have this? If so how do you like it?

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Mele Kalikimaka

Merry Christmas to all my friends out there. I hope you are all blessed this day and all the others that follow.

Jenny from Addison Road had an interesting discussion post about her song "What do I know of Holy." on her blog Cupcakes, Sprinkles and other Happy Things. If you get a chance go on over and read this post. I really enjoyed it. It gave a lot of insight into where the song came from, or in other words what the thoughts were in writing this song.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Monday, December 21, 2009

Royal Rangers ice skating fiasco

Yesterday the Royal Rangers (boy's) church group went ice skating. I was a little worried because my 6 year old has never been, but he did fine. I thought I would have a heart attack watching him barrel around the rink, but thankfully I survived.

Later at night we attended service where a guest speaker, Ken Gaub, spoke. He was very funny and had an awesome message. If you ever get a chance to hear this guy you should. It felt like the service went by in a flash.

Christmas eve I will be picking up my dinner from Safeway. Talk about lazy. It is always such a madhouse here in the morning that I don't have much time for cooking, so I cheat. Total meal $46.00, everything included, Not too bad. Does anyone else out there buy a meal from the store or is everyone cooking from scratch?

Friday, December 18, 2009

Christmas in Cannan

I had tivo'd a show from the Hallmark channel the other day called "Christmas in Cannan," with Billy Ray Cyrus.  It was a story about a friendship developed between a white kid and a black kid.  It was such a good movie.  Our whole family really enjoyed this one. If you get the chance to see this one you should.  It was one of those feel good Christmas movie's that was totally enjoyed by everyone. 

Tuesday, December 08, 2009


Here is the new housing in Alaska. We may have an opportunity to go there if the Army can get a slot for us. How funny to go from all hot weather to all cold. We have lived in Germany, land of the black ice, so we are not scared off by cold. In fact Germany was one of the places we truly would go to again. Although we love Hawaii we are up for the adventure. Only time will tell.

gadgets and apps

So many cool things for the older generation...not that I am that old yet....but can they please get names that don't make the older pee...