Thursday, June 24, 2010

Vacation Bible School

The kids had vacation Bible school at church this week and they are really enjoying it. They have some type of cosmic theme where the leaders are dressed as astronauts and they made the church garbage cans into robots. I still think the most fun the kids have is at the end where our children's pastor, Pastor Mel, throws out t-shirts into the audience and if you catch one you get to keep it. Doesn't everyone like something they get for free? Anyone else doing VBS this summer?

1 comment:

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

We are doing the High Seas Expedition where we willexperience the deep rolling waters of God's love! We love VBS!

gadgets and apps

So many cool things for the older generation...not that I am that old yet....but can they please get names that don't make the older pee...