Monday, October 17, 2011

Brave Girls Club I had to share this from a website called Brave Girls Club. This is what the Brave Girls Club is about: Brave Girls Club is a worldwide community of women who want to live the best, happiest, most productive and fabulously brave life they can possibly live…and that means something different to every single one of us.

Brave Girls Club is an online community, a portal for amazing connections, a news source for everyday heroes, a resource for great ideas, amazing endeavors, everyday problem solving, realistic recipes and unforgettable get-togethers. Brave Girls Club is a place to feel free, to feel peace, and to feel brave. Brave Girls Club is not an exclusive club…every woman is invited. Brave Girls Club is life-changing fun, life-changing truths, and life-changing friendships…
Go on over and check this out. It's an amazing site with many things on it to enjoy.

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gadgets and apps

So many cool things for the older generation...not that I am that old yet....but can they please get names that don't make the older pee...