Friday, June 08, 2012

Crock Pot Girl

I just ordered this crock pot from Amazon on the a recommendation I got from my new slow cooker cook book called "Slow Cooker Revolution." I was looking for a crock pot that did not boil the food while cooking on high and this seems to be the one. Of course I will give it a good test once I get it and let you all know. In the meantime, while browsing the reviews for this pot, I came across a reviewer who said the facebook page "Crock Pot Girl" was a really neat page. I went over there and WOW, it has a lot of information and recipes. There is also a web site called "Get Crocked" at "" If you are interested go check it out. The crock pot is perfect for summer cooking, especially when you do not want to heat up your kitchen or when a trip to the pool on a summer day is going to make it hard for you to come home and cook dinner on time.


Shelly said...

I love the ease of cooking with a crock pot. I throw it together and forget it for a few hours. Plus my husband usually does the dish washing, so it's perfect.

Renee said...

I'll have to check these sites out - thanks for the heads up. I love your blog design - really pretty!

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