Monday, December 15, 2008

Thank You Cheryl

A few weeks ago Cheryl at Hope for each day had a give a way and I was lucky enough to win it. I received this beautiful tile in the mail today. I wish you could all see it in person. Thank you Cheryl. It made my day and I will display it for everyone to enjoy and when I look at it I will think of you my friend.


Rebecca said...

Congratulations. How awesome to win something...and not just something, but something cool!

Kimberly said...

Hooray! You won! :)
It is exciting to open the mailbox and find something so great!

Oh, and if I am ever in Hawaii (hey, you never know), we'll get together and post all about it! ;)

Keeping your family in my prayers,

Addicted to Beadz said...

I'm so glad it arrived safely. Enjoy my friend.


gadgets and apps

So many cool things for the older generation...not that I am that old yet....but can they please get names that don't make the older pee...