Friday, December 22, 2006


Here I am as twins, Most of you don't know that my mom actually gave birth to twins when she had me but one didn't survive. My twin only made it a few months, who knows how many in utero. Now that my new IMAC, that hubby sent me for Christmas, has an ICam, I can take photos in mirror image so I can see what it would be like to have two of me. I was told we were identical so this is very interesting to see for me. What do you think? Very strange indeed.


Linda said...

That's an unbelievable picture. I didn't know you had a twin. Just think - she will be waiting to see you in heaven some day. God is so amazing.
Blessed Christmas dear friend.

Looney Mom™ said...

That's cool. Ditto what Linda said. Imagine the reunion! Awesome! I just wanted to say, MERRY CHRISTMAS!

gadgets and apps

So many cool things for the older generation...not that I am that old yet....but can they please get names that don't make the older pee...